Tonight I spoke to a group of young women and girls from the #YouthActivatingYouth. I shared my story of migration to Australia, traversing a hyphenated identity, obstacles in my career, observations about opportunity for growth and hope. In all, these brilliant and...
This morning I presented to a Corporate recruitment firm on the merits of diversity in the workplace. I canvassed the moral and fiscal imperatives of centring inclusive practices in their strategic planning. More importantly, I stressed that any policy commitment to...
Tonight I enjoyed facilitating the Monthly ‘Game Changers’ event at Victoria University, MetroWest. The theme was ‘The Show Must (not) Go On’ and it invited artists to creatively unpack dimensions of the #MeToo movement in the arts industry, a year on from the issue...
I was honoured to meet with an Indonesian Leadership delegation via #deakinuniversity today. These Senior Multi-Faith Women Leaders were in Melbourne as part of a broader national tour. I conducted an overview on the work of #AMWCHR, the challenges of Islamophobia...
Today I facilitated a Symposium for the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) 2018 Conference. My session was ‘NSW Reforms for Outcomes’, attracting attendees from across government and NGO’s working in this industry. Headlined by the NSW FACS Minister Pru...
Thanks for the invite, Flemington Community Centre -to your Annual Iftar. Another Ramadan staple, this event is a delight to attend as it is developed and delivered by local young people attracting other young people from all cultural backgrounds to increase...
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