Helping organisations work with and lead their people, inclusively

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Client appreciation

“The Year 6s and 7s were so lucky for Tasneem Chopra, an acclaimed activist and artist, to take a moment of her time to talk to us.

She opened our eyes to the world of art and activism, and shared with us many captivating anecdotes of artists who use their platform to make a difference.

Tasneem’s passion for her work is clear, and she presented issues and thoughts that required us to ponder deeply and reflect upon society. Her down-to-earth and empowering speech inspired our own artworks for change and allowed us to gain a new perspective of the meaning of art and how this has an impact on the world we live in.”

Ruyton Girls College

“Thank you for opening up and sharing your stories with us. These are such important topics that help us all to come closer to a collective understanding.

Great suggestion on adding diversity to the boards and connecting to KPI, to implement changes verses a token diversity consultant. Good simple ideas like look at your bookshelf and who wrote the books, is is primarily from a white (male or female) lens, make changes to listen to other diverse voices.

This was phenomenal and recording should be shared far and wide. Thank you.”

Online Forum for Global Conference, International Association for Business Communications

“The women were in awe! The take away quote for the day was ‘don’t just set the table make sure you have a seat at it’ you should patent that!! Cause I’m using it from now on!”

City of Hume