A Devotional Cut Above the Rest

The Islamic Museum of Australia is currently showing a stunning exhibition called ‘Bismillah- Devotional Papercutting’, by award winning Perth based artist, Tusif Ahmad. An ensemble of intricately cut designs, these fifteen works convey themes of...

The Istanbul Connection

At the conclusion of 2 weeks in Istanbul following an eventful schedule with the #musiad expo and meeting various colleagues in the communications sector, I’m feeling elated and grateful. Gratitude in particular for the wonderful contacts & knowledge I’ve gained....

Memorialise That

Violence against women is the single greatest domestic threat to women in Australia with more than one a week being killed by an intimate partner. This is TERROR. Despite campaigns and messaging to call it out, this terror continues to rise. Contact your local MP to...

Don’t Be a Jill

Sunday rant: At a recent ‘fundraiser for refugees’ gig I attended, a middle-aged white woman, Jill, approached my friend and I to compliment us on our ‘turban styles’. She proceeded to tell us about her friend with cancer who would love to learn such styles to help...