Violence against women is the single greatest domestic threat to women in Australia with more than one a week being killed by an intimate partner. This is TERROR.
Despite campaigns and messaging to call it out, this terror continues to rise. Contact your local MP to see what they’re committing to in terms of funding that makes a change at grassroots. To support community led interventions. To support marginalised women’s organisations to do more with appropriate funding. To invest in more programs to combat men’s behaviours. To invest in school programs towards a change in abusive culture. To check misogynistic commentary of those in Office. To make a difference beyond the rhetoric of ribbons and actually fund those doing the real work of response, protection and prevention. We do not need to fund a half a billion dollar war memorial, when women die senselessly every other day, while governments forget. Memorialise that #endmisogyny #endviolenceagainstwomen #makeanoise #tasneemchopra #crossculturalconsultant
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