In Sydney this week for the two day symposium on ‘The Agency of Muslim Women in the Australian Context’. The breadth of topics covered included: Muslim Women & Leadership; Spirituality & Scholarship; Dealing with Challenges & Islamophobia; Muslim Women, Representation & Agency; New Spaces- Agency & Muslim Women; Facilitating Agency; Family Law; and Identity & Agency.
I presented on the topic of ‘The Toxicity of Hyper-Masculinity & Abuse of Power in Leadership’. I
highlighted the obligations of Muslim community organisations and institutions, who while respecting the instrument of legal processes, should simultaneously ensure support for female survivors of abuse and mistreatment. Further, I argued they must strongly condemn and out practises of inappropriate behaviours from male leaders through strategies of zero tolerance and increased inclusion of female participation in leadership and executive decision making in order to circumvent this problem.
In all this was a ground breaking conference tackling topics that have long been performed but not assessed and negotiated. Congratulations to the many brilliant speaker whose presentations were as bold as they were inspiring, including Sarah Malik, Randa Abdel Fattah, Hanan Dover, Derya Iner, Monique Toohey and Susan Carland-amongst countless others.
Feeling fierce and focused.
#symposium2018 #australianmuslimwomen #agency #identity #leadership #fiercewomen #changemakers #sydneyconference
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