Tonght I participated in a Victorian Women Lawyers EVENT: FACING THE DOUBLE CEILING 
The discussion focused on navigating the challenges of the ‘double ceiling for CALD women- in what was referred to as an often, double glazed/ bamboo/ reinforced steel/ concrete ceiling for Indigenous and CALD communities in varying circumstances. 

The ‘double ceiling’ analogy refers to the intersection of gender and culture that affects the progression of women in most industries. 
Panellists included:
Maria Dimopoulos, Chairperson of the national Harmony Alliance – Migrant Refugee Women for Change 

Tasneem Chopra, Cross Cultural Consultant 

Shivani Pillai, Barrister

Tuanh Nguyen, Director, PWC Legal

Facilitated by Azmeena Hussain, Senior Associate, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers
The Rationale and Aims of the panel, were to:

 Promote awareness of ‘the double ceiling’ affecting women from CALD backgrounds.

 Bring intersectional issues of diversity and gender into the spotlight, focusing predominately on the legal profession.

 Share and discuss lived experiences and informative, practical learnings amongst the panellists and audience members.

 Promote the understanding and support of women’s legal and human rights by highlighting and eradicating discrimination against women in law and in the legal system.

 Ask the important question: What are the obstacles, structural barriers and challenges facing women from CALD backgrounds in the workplace? How can the legal profession fare better in the diversity 
In all, this was a robust and raw discussion with one of the most diverse and enthusiastic audiences I’ve encountered in a corporate setting. Massive kudos to Naomi , Annika and the organising team – this was such a cathartic experience!