Today, as a Board Director of Ambulance Victoria, I was delighted to attend their annual 17th Community Hero Awards at #QueensHall, Parliament in Melbourne.
Following a beautiful welcome to country from Aunty Di, openings from The Hon. Jill Hennessy, Minister for Health and AV CEO,Tony Walker, award/medals for community heroism were bestowed.
In all 18 recipients as young as 10 years old were honoured. This moving ceremony exemplified our community and paramedic heroes, acknowledged for their incredible, selfless service to others.
One of the award went to Jack, a kid who saved his mum’s life. He showed quick thinking calling 000, despite his distress, after she fell and sustained a head injury leaving her bleeding and unconscious. Amazing courage and action from a ten year old hero !!??
Kids saving mothers, work colleague saving mates, strangers saving each other – THIS IS GOOD NEWS THAT GIVES ME HOPE, PEOPLE
#ChainOfSurvival #ambulanceVic #communityheroes #paramedicheroes #savinglives #heroes #sheroes #weknow
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