I was honoured to emcee an amazing event last night, shining  a light on the issue of acid crimes against women in Pakistan, via a fundraiser for #DepilexSmileagainFoundation. 
With inspiring words from anti-violence campaigner, Phil Cleary, Masarrat Misbah (cosmetics artist and humanitarian), Sabra – a brave survivor of an horrific acid attack, an auction – then a phenomenal one woman theatrical blitz ‘The Empty Room’, by Feryal Ghauhar Ali in a mesmerising performance. This one hour piece delved into multiple personas of victims and abusers, crushing norms and social taboos with bold invective. 
The coupling of theatre with dialogue from Sabra, produced an impact unlike anything I’ve seen for some time. Kudos to Ayesha Bux and her diligent team for getting DSF to Australia. And further, for bringing the global impact of violence against women to us- establishing once again that this terror transcends cultures, education and borders, with the common denominator being ‘male responsibility’. 
An incredible night. A spectacular effort. A most noble cause. If you wish to donate, please visit: 

It costs a mere $600 to provide reconstructive surgery for a survivor, transforming her life so that she may smile again and envision a future.  There are currently 627 women on the waiting list with #DSF already… 

#makeanoise #makechangehappen #endviolenceagainstwomen #saynotoviolence