Today I presented on a diversity panel, ‘Creative Offroads’ for the ABC, to discuss the impact of stereotypes on screen in news and film. 
Amazing co-presenters, including: 

Jeremy Fernandez, Journalist, ABC (moderator)

 Tasneem Chopra Author, Cross-Cultural Consultant, Curator & Activist

Tony Ayres, Director, Producer & Co-Founder, Matchbox Pictures, 

Sally Riley, Executive-Screen content, 

Dr Tim Soutphommasane- Race Discrimination Commissioner,

Michelle Fonesca- Head of Strategy & Staff Development, ABC News,   

Matt Deaner CEO, SPA, 

Rebecca Moystyn- Manager, Research, Screen Australia, 

Phillipa McDermot- Head of Diversity, ABCNEWS. 
Amazing people. Uncompromising messages. Delivered to a room full off ABC staff from producers, editors, marketing division- in scripted and non scripted production. 

Tim Soutphommasane “Cultural diversity is in your ABC charter – don’t feel you have to justify it to critics- Go out there, deliver and own it!”

Tony Ayres ” we have to move past the belief that only White people have stories and that coloured people have issues”

Sally Riley “Just break the rules and take a punt on talent”

Me “Australian Muslims have way more to contribute beyond reactive commentary . Calling ‘1800 Muslim’, shortchanges both of us”
An intense and robust conversation that will hopefully inform admin, content and production targets for the coming years.