Team Australia was the concept explored in this ABC Compass episode.
What does it mean to be Australian? What are Australian values? Five passionate individuals from a variety of backgrounds agree to a “lock in” at an iconic venue with a mission to come up with their own list of questions. Viewers are invited to participate online. How many will pass the test?

At the coninclusion of our discussion, each participant tabled two of their ideal questions. From the mix of twelve submitted, we conducted a blind vote for  the top ones  we would select- and I’m pretty pleased to announce both my questions were selected  by all the team, as the top two ! 

In addition to the round table banter , I had the chance to spruik my passion props: books on identity & image – thanks to @maxinebeneba and @modeststreetfashion in the ‘Truth Booth’ for ABC’s Compass episode , ‘Team Australia’ . 
Further, in the booth of truth along with Peter FitzSimons, Tasneem Chopra, Paul Capsis, Dee Madigan, Neer Korn, and Jacinta Nampijinpa Price we each explored moments of inclusion and exclusion that signalled links with belonging in Oz. 
Follow link for full link of episode and extras #citizenshiptest #identity