Following a week  interstate replete with presentations and workshops, I was ecstatic to attend an ‘Evening with Dr Cornel West’ at Sydney’s Luna Park Big Top Convention Centre. This was a night fuelled with epic legends, alongside Dr West, including Aunty Jenni Munro, Luka Lesson and host, Nazeem Hussain. 

Dr West, a Minister, philosopher, author, poet and jazz aficionado, is a celebrated hero of

activism. His body of work is testimony to an affirmation of civil rights. He virtually sings truths in his delivery that simultaneously captivates and educates. 

There is a solidarity in such spaces where truths are shared without reservation. Reinforcing beliefs in the will to overcome injustice while reawakening our individual role in affecting change from our ideas into deeds- this is all about where we go from here. 

“When you have been on intimate terms with catastrophe then you have known the strength of your humanity” 

“Our governing systems are fraught with a deficit of empathy starting in education where the rich children are taught and our poor children are tested ‘ Dr Cornel West

#recognise #rebel #rebuild