Tonight’s Premier Gala Dinner 2018, heralds Victoria’s Cultural Diversity Week, this year themed ‘Proud to Belong’* . A highlight of the dinner featured the launch of a stunning publication profiling culturally diverse Victorians, who are just that.
Aside from this dinner being an evening of colourful celebration, it was, as always an affirmation of this State’s commitment to the protection and promotion of multiculturalism and inclusive policy.
Was lovely to meet friends and colleagues in the sector, who share this passion.
*’Proud to belong’ asks Victorians to think about the formula for a strong sense of belonging, as well as the role we all play to ensure our communities are welcoming and inclusive. To join the conversation at #ProudToBelong and tag @multiculturevic #diversitymatters #proudtobelong #vmc #endracism #endxenophobia #tasneemchopra #crossculturalconsultant
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