This morning I participated in a candid session of storytelling, as part of the harmony week celebrations held by SE Water in Frankston. The ‘Lived Experiences’ discussions included four co-panellists; Sebastian, Mazia, Jeremy, Dawn and myself. We each shared our experiences of migration, inclusion and at times, exclusion. I want to commend the HR team at SE water, and Majella in particular, for embracing this honest and unconventional yet simple method of providing a platform for diverse voices within and beyond their organisation to share their experiences as diverse Australians. It was a humorous and poignant exchange of stories that reinforced the value of diversity in the workplace and our community as an asset. #diversestoriesmatter #multiculturalism #storytelling #endracism #endxenophobia #endhomophobia #tasneemchopra #crossculturalconsultant