Moderating these fine looking disrupters and agitators for a panel discussing “Building Communities: Immigration& Integration” for the Human Rights & Arts Film Festival at ACMI, Federation Square today.
Panellists included Bobuq Sayed, Marion Le, Thanh Hang Pham & Santilla Chingaipe. In under an hour we covered the definition of ‘home’, negotiating belonging, flawed settlement services for refugees, failed leadership to govern with moral responsibility, media culpability in demonising minorities, structural racism, Indigenous people’s dispossession and intracultural racism within migrant communities.
I’m still reeling from the sheer amazingness of the minds of this group. And a huge shoutout to HRAFF for pulling this together.
#makeanoise #makeitloud #endxenophobia #endhomophobia #endracism
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