Tonight, the Immigration Museum hosted a ‘Spirit Of Ramadan’ Iftar, in partnership with Benevolence Australia and the Moroccan Soup Bar. 

Benevolence founder, Saara Sabbagh, delivered a purposeful talk to the objectives of fasting, extolling the need to nourish our souls in the absence of food and drink, during Ramadan. 
The Iftar meal was served in an impromptu dining room, decorated in Moroccan fineries, to compliment a scrumptious 7 course banquet, along one of the longest dining table I’ve ever seen

Guests attending hailed from a variety of faith and cultural backgrounds. Many shared reflections about the evening, highlighting the harmony, inclusivity, understanding and education these events foster

Congrats to all involved, especially those involved with the dinner set-up and preparation. 

Another beautiful Iftar, with new friends and old, celebrating all that’s Melbourne and Ramadan, in one gesture. 

Three of the fiercest, finest trailblazers I know, in Saara Sabbagh (Founder, Benevolence Aust.), Maha Sukkar (VicPol) & Rohini Kappadath (Manager, Immigration Museum); living proof that culturally diverse women are vital to a narrative on diversity in leadership. Furthermore, we all benefit from their efforts to towards a society centred on inclusivity, respect and justice