Last night at Benevolenceaustralia’s ‘Conversations’ series, I facilitated the salient topic, “Islamophobia: Making Sense of the Senseless”. All of us were grateful to BA for providing a safe space in which to explore reactions & strategies for navigating through a phenomenal climate of anxiety gripping Australian Muslims. An evening of sustained, intense discussion ensued of candid contributions from so many. 

With a full house present, people spoke of their personal and professional observations- from places of academia, university, schools, police, legal advice, community relations, the workplace and home- highlighting their dealings with islamophobia.
There is no doubt that the ‘weight of hate’ impacting the lived reality for tens of thousands of Australian Muslims has reached clinical proportions. So, to then witness individuals come out in solidarity to share their concerns and ideas towards enduring this hardship, was a catharsis of sorts. 

Among many takeaways from the conversation were the need to practice self care and love/ support of each other within our communities, as well as to maintain a sustained but measured engagement with media & government towards holding them accountable for racist invective. 

This strategy is both proactive and strengthens resilience by promoting acceptance/ understanding of paradigms of division, not as a matter of complacency, but rather, self care. 

From this event it is hoped that follow up with additional conversations and info sessions occur as well as solid action with law enforcement to report incidents of islamophobia – many of which were discussed at this event.
Kudos to #BeneConversations for such a timely remedy. ?? #BenevolenceAustralia #BeneHouse #benevolence #Conversations #Islamophobia #Sense #LivingFaith #MelbourneMuslims

#tasneemchopra #crossculturalconsultant #endracism #endislamophobia