Delivered a guest presentation today at Kilvington Grammar with a Year 12 cohort. Following a candid conversation about conflicts I’ve encountered over two decades in the social justice sector, we shared some insightful Q and A. Capped off the presentation with a screening of Luka Lesson’s ‘Please Resist Me’ – to massive appreciation. 
The maturity of young minds in questioning the status quo and seeking to understand impediments to equality – gives me hope. I never tire of these experiences. 
Another amazing lot of students, reminding me why I love what I do. 


On August 4th, cultural consultant and activist Tasneem Chopra gave a talk to the Year 12s about cultural diversity, multiculturalism in Australia and the way in which the Australian Media portrays this. Tasneem was passionate, intelligent and considered in her presentation which provided valuable insight into the perspective of a Muslim Australian. We all gained important knowledge surrounding issues such as distorted media images and racism. Additionally, this presentation is highly relevant to our area of study in VCE English of ‘Encountering Conflict’, and is a great lead in to our next text, A Separation, which explores similar issues of cultural difference and adversity. Tasneem took a measured approach throughout her presentation, informing us of her perspective and illustrating concepts in a way we could all understand and benefit from. Tasneem was glad to answer the number of questions concocted by the inquisitive minds of the Year 12 students, and we all benefited greatly from her presentation.