Today I presented a keynote for Multicultural Queensland’s Charter Conversations. I spoke about inclusive leadership, diversity and unconscious bias. I shared personal and professional observations including evidenced based research that supports why diversity in leadership and the workplace benefit organisations and communities. Following my address I engaged in a panel with Mackayla Jeffries, A/Commissioner, Anti-Discrimination Commission QueenslandJoshua Griffin, Diversity & Inclusion Lead, SBS and Dr Jane O’Leary, Research Director, Diversity Co Dr Jane O’Leary (Diversity Council Australia). The session was expertly facilitated by emcee Peter Forday, as we answered questions and offered practical advice about how to champion and lead inclusion in our workplaces and lives. Thank you MAQ for your work in developing the MQ Charter and actively working towards promoting D & I strategies in community, corporate and government entities.

View full talk here:

#diversitymatters #diversityandinclusion #tasneemchopra #crossculturalconsultant #mqcharter #makechangehappen