Congratulations to the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights (AMWCHR) for another successful AGM to end 2017.
Seeing this particular organisation flourish from an initial concept, conceived of by a handful of concerned women, meeting informally to find ways to assist a community in crisis, over 25 years ago – into a Centre today with 17 staff members, servicing local, national and international agendas, is a personal thrill.
I want to commend its team of accomplished workers, supportive board and visionary executives who have seen AMWCHR thrive at the frontlines; negotiating advocacy for Australian Muslim women in various areas. These have included: family violence; it’s impact on children; leadership; identity and inclusion; civic education; combatting FGM & EFM strategies; poverty; CVE; Islamophobia and so much more.
2018 forecasts more opportunities for our organisation to reach into vulnerable communities and enable meaningful social change by equipping women with the agency to overcome barriers.
I am constantly in awe of our amazing team at AMWCHR. A huge congratulations to you all. #amwchr #makechangehappen #endislamophobia #endviolenceagainstwomen #sheroes #moversandshakera #allthechangemakers
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