Today was an opportunity for myself as Chair of the Board and our amazing team at the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights to meet with Greens Senator Richard DiNatale. We discussed Islamophobia, the 18C repeal, political will to progress diversity and other issues impacting Muslim women in this climate. 
Grateful for the candid conversation and our planned submission to their Enquiry into Multiculturalism in 2017. Plenty of work to be done here, stemming from racist policies- to building community trust. While a whole of government approach seems like a pipe dream, a piece-meal approach may be the only option. We’ll take it. 
Thank you Sen. Di Natale and team, for standing up to racist invective, and walking out when it counted ?? 
#endracism #endislamophobia #endbigotry #waronstupid #makeanoise #makeitcount #boardchair #amwchr