Between a divine cup of Australian brewed @tascaffe coffee, and morsels of Bombay halwa, comes this cross-cultural reflection ahead of 2019: •May 2019 deliver expectations, exceptionally •May there be clarity in black & white and enjoyment in technicolor •May curve balls be met head on and annihilated point blank. •May love, sleep and salted caramel be yours.
And may any disappointments, heartache and pain you experienced this year, find an end in 2019. Above all, may we see an end to injustices afflicting the persecuted from Yemen to the Uighurs, plus an end to the structural violence of Islamophobia, anti-black racism, homophobia, xenophobia, human trafficking, institutionally sanctioned abuse, climate change denial, right wing terror, leadership debacles and the exploitation of women and children, globally.
There’s SO much to mend.
As we forge ahead with the mending of ourselves and our planet, I hope love finds you and knocks your socks off
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