Today Ambulance Victoria launched the opening of its newly renovated Preston branch. In attendance was the Minister for Health, Jenny Mikakos MP, State Member for Reservoir, Robin Scott MP and Fed member for Cooper, Ged Kearney MP. 

Doubtless, the star attraction of the launch was everyone’s favourite therapy dog, Bruce, who unwittingly steals the scene every time. 

A huge congratulations to AV for this state of the art, fit for purpose centre that will accomodate up to 30 paramedics for this region. The quality of this branch is in keeping with other refurbished sites , with a goal to optimise working conditions for paramedics in order that they can continue to deliver a world class level of patient centred excellence. As a Board Director with AV, it makes me incredibly proud to see the quality of care and commitment this organisation demonstrates for its employees and patients, statewide.